Thursday, April 22, 2010


For the Father who made you.
For the Son who saved you.
For the Spirit that raised you.

For the faith that sustains you.
For the hope that exhilarates.
For the love that quickens your heart to sing.

For brothers whose hands are weary of battle.
For sisters whose hearts have forgotten their love.
For fathers whose backs are broken to pieces.
For mothers whose wells have forgotten their spring.

Because none are too far on paths untraveled.
Because none are too warmed by the flames of His hearth.
Because there's far more to life than simply survival.
Because there's far more to see than just ten feet of dark.

Because fire burns hotter under the breath of its maker.
Because fingers feel stronger around the hilt of their sword.
Because no man steps bolder than in the steps of his father.

Because no cause shines brighter than the glory of the King.