Sunday, February 21, 2010

Blast from the Past.

I received a letter from myself last week.

You can stop giggling.

I don't do this on a regular basis.

The letter was written on the last morning of last year's Every Student Sent conference (February 14, 2009). In some places it was super convicting. In other places it was heart-warmingly encouraging. God has struck down great sin and great insecurities in my life over the past year.

I look back on my past with wiser eyes than those that looked for answers in my future.

Hey David,

Sorry about the handwriting. But I suppose you're starting to remember this conference last year. I hope you've lived long enough to read this letter. If you haven't, and this is in fact someone besides me reading this letter, then please take this moment to look at David's finished Earthy life and realize that tomorrow is not guaranteed.

Love in Christ,
David Hsieh

And that concludes the first portion of the letter. It really is, in fact, 2 letters in one. When I was in high school, I had a certain preoccupation with the concept that Peter wrote about,

"...For, 'all men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field, the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever.'" ~1 Peter 1:23-25

For whatever reason, God used those years in high school to lay heavy on my heart the mortality of man. I used to write, but not send, letters of encouragement and reality to all of my friends and keep them in my drawer in case I would die unexpectedly. Reading this letter, I realize how much that's stuck with me. Modern-day commentary is in brackets.

If, in fact, you've made it 1 more year, then what has this year looked like? And what does the coming year look [like]? Who are you trusting in? [This year has looked really good. Really hard, but really good. If God themed it, and he very well might have, I'm sure it was themed, "Get over yourself." The coming year will be hard, as I'm finishing up school and figuring out my calling for the future. But I am excited now. Dread has been replaced with anticipation, and I realize if God can transform me this much over the course of a year, then the rest of my life, however long that may be, certainly holds promise. I'm trusting in God. Not always. Not completely. And certainly not perfectly. But he's taking me in a good direction.]

Are you going to medical school? If so, why? If not, why not? [Nope. I think you (I) knew it a long time ago. Medical school was never my dream. It was never God's plan. I think you (I) would've been happy to know that I was going to end up in the education school. Funny how that works.]

Are you interning with Cru? If so, why? If not, why not?
[Good question. And fortunately, because I changed majors, I've still got another year to figure that out. Whether it's with Cru or just full-time ministry in general, I've got a little bit of time to figure that out. So. I don't know yet. What I do know is that I have grown immensely over the past several years, and that I believe God often uses these college years to launch the rest of a man or woman's life. My life has been altered dramatically (in a good way) from the course it was taking, and I have found no greater joy these past several years than being a part of that in the lives of men and women around in me.]

Are you pursuing a woman to love and cherish for the rest of your life? If so, why? If not, why not?
[Men, I know you were all thinking the same sort of thing. Ladies, now you know. The guys think about this stuff too. As for details, I'll exercise some discretion. God's longing for my heart right now. That's all I'll say.]

I know, and perhaps you now know that this next year for me and past year for you will be difficult. All things pass away but these three: God, our souls, and His Word.

When no one else is around...

When no one else knows...

Who is King of your heart?
[You ask hard questions, past-David. I have a lot to think about.]

I know how hard it is to rebel against approval and the "wisdom" of this world. But, David, for your sake and definitely for God's, what are you doing with your life? Are you a soldier? Does Satan now fear both who you are and the potential of what you can become? Does God dance with joy, shaking the foundations of Heaven when he turns his eyes on your life?
[I so long for these things to be true of me. And I think we're moving in the right direction here. But we're not there. Not there yet. But God's wipin' up this mirror, and it's looking more and more like him each day. Each week. Each month. Each year.]

Deo volente.
[God willing.]

Love in Christ,
David Hsieh


Kristin said...

Wow...that's challenging to me as well. Nicely done past David...and present David...? haha

NotOKCupid said...

Loved these reflections as always; thanks for sharing. And I especially loved that you wrote that God is longing for your heart right now. Thank God that He pursues us with such great Love.

Keep on keepin' on, little brother. I'm so proud of you!

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